Course Description

The Art of Empathic Communication for Stronger Bonds

Skills you'll gain:  Effective expression of emotions, empathetic listening, diverse interpersonal interactions.

53 people already enrolled.

Foundations of Empathic Communication

Module Description

Understanding Empathy and its role in communication | The importance of empathy in building strong relationships | Developing a mindset for empathic communication  | Recognizing and overcoming barriers to empathy.

Understanding Empathy and its role in communication
What is Empathy?
Vimeo Video: The power of Empathy
Video from Computer on "Empathy The Need of Every Hour "
Reading: Understanding Empathy and Its Role in Communication
Listen Audio - Understanding Empathy

Empathy in Action: Skills and Techniques

Module Description

Active listening: A cornerstone of empathic communication  | Non-verbal communication and empathic cues  | Reflective and validating responses  | Putting oneself in another's shoes: Perspective-taking exercises.

Intro: Empathy in Action
Empathy in Action: Skills and Techniques
TEDx Talk on Empathy in action by Matthew Canary
Presentation on empathy in action
Exercises to do.

Empathic Communication in Relationships

Module Description

Empathy within personal relationships: Family, friends, and partners  | Navigating conflicts through empathic communication  | Empathy in professional settings: Colleagues, clients, and teams  | Building trust and rapport through empathic interactions.

Empathic Communication in Relationships
My Computer Video: Empathic Communication in Relationship
Audio - Empathic Communication in Relationships
Exercises to do.

Practical Application and Integration

Module Description

Role-playing and simulated scenarios for empathic communication  | Integrating empathic communication into daily interactions  | Crafting empathic messages in written and verbal communication  | Self-reflection and personal growth in empathic communication.

Don't let your Empathy Sleep
Practical Application and Action Planning 1
Listen Podcast
Exercises & Practices to do.
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Total: $60